Reach every village. ™
100% Unique training course.
Touch Nepal offers a 2 and a 1/2 year training program where graduates can receive a Certificate of Theology. We provide onsite focused training on Exegesis, Expository Preaching, Evangelism, Discipleship and Leadership Development. Exegesis is still widely unused even amongst established churches. It’s a unique curriculum written by Nepali's, for Nepali's in Nepali. Our curriculum is not translated work from India but unique to these emerging pastors and leaders who live in the remote areas of Nepal.
The typical pastor or emerging leader from a village coming into our program is already working in the local church of fellowships. They’ve already heard the call of God to serve and are walking in it.
Unique approach.
The face of training new leaders and pastors in Nepal is rapidly changing. Seminaries are great places of learning but they are not fulfilling the practical needs of pastors who are already working in countless villages across Nepal. These pastors cannot simply leave their families jobs and churches for years to get training. Most pastors in Nepal are not wholly supported by the people in their church so they must also work. We need to go to them and change the face of training in Nepal. Our training is so important to the future of pastors in Nepal, that the Asia Theological Association is looking into accrediting our remote teaching programs.
Unique people.
Our amazing talented team of master level trained pastors is like no other power house!
Your support delivers our teams into remote areas to train, and return to train, emerging pastors and leaders who would otherwise not receive training. Though there is value in the countless conferences that take place in metropolitan cities, conferences cannot wholly fulfill the great need of consistent and purposeful training for emerging pastors and leaders in remote areas.”
The response is the proof of our impact.
“I have to preach almost every week in my church in youth services and in main church service. I had great desire to go to Bible college but I could not do that because I had to stay to support myself and our church. When we came to know that Touch Nepal has started this program in our district, I became so much encouraged and became hopeful to get Biblical training! So, I thank God for giving me opportunity to study in Touch Nepal's programs!
Support the work of emerging pastors, being trained in their home villages, to correctly guide, teach and train others locally, who will reach even further into the mountains of Nepal.
The time is now and the need is now.
Reach every village. Touch every heart. ™